Taam Business Services Hiring Freshers for Marketing Executives at Hyderabad
Post Name: Marketing Executive
Experience : Freshers, 0 to 4 years
Qualification: UG – Any Graduate – Any Specialization PG – Any PG Course – Any Specialization
Passout Year: For 2012, 2013.
Required Skills:
. Excellent verbal communication
• Excellent written communication
• Ability to think outside the box and be creative
• Effective organizational skills
• Ability to plan and formulate strategies
• Ability to implement strategies by using or adapting tactics
• Ability to adjust to and work with teams
• Ability to drive and inspire
• Confidence
• Attention to detail
• Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines
• Interest in and awareness of markets and financial implications
• Quick decision-making abilities
• Excellent knowledge of their companies’ present and past product lines
• Ability to identify market segments, niches, and potential markets
• Thorough knowledge of competitors’ products and services
• Ability to withstand criticism and irritated people
Important Documents to Carry: Two Copies resume and Photos
All Xerox Copies Education Documents
Location : Hyderabad
Salary : Rs 1-4lac Per Annum
Walk-in Dates : If interested please send updated resume with the below mentioned information (Do not change the subject line of the mail)
if you could forward or refer some of your friends / Peers for the above mentioned requirement.
Registration Time (Important): 9:30 Am to 6:30 Pm.
Venue (See in Google Maps Here):
Contact Person: HR
Contact number: 8712841866 / 040:66442266
#301, 3rd Floor,
OMAR Building, Opp. HP Petrol Pump,
Kachiguda, Hyderabad – 500027.