IBM Hiring Project Trainee All Over India for Freshers

Job description

India Software Lab looking for talent, technology and business innovation, challenges business and technical students to join forces and start something Big.
Watson is a question answering (QA) computing system that IBM built to apply advanced natural language processing, information retrieval, knowledge representation, automated reasoning, and machine learning technologies. As part of question answering it begins with question analysis phase that attempts to determine what the question is asking for and how best to approach answering it. Broadly speaking, question analysis receives as input the unstructured text question and identifies syntactic and semantic elements of the question, which are encoded as structured information that is later used by the other components of Watson.
Nearly all of Watson’s components depend in some way on the information produced by question analysis.

Job Role:

Developing an adaptor for RELM (Rational Engineering Lifecycle Manager) based on the OSLC TRS spec to integrate RELM with OpenPLM.
RELM Analytics – Integrating SPSS with RELM to perform predictive analytics on engineering data (Rational Engineering Lifecycle.
Compare and Merger Utility for RPE (Rational Publishing Engine) templates.
Host Integration development – tools to support HI emulator product set.

1.Document analysis and ingestion preprocessing tool based on the level derived knowledge
2. Generate candidate answers from the preprocessed corpus
3. Add scorers for the candidates
4. Analyze and tune the above for performance and accuracy


Should be strong in either C/C++ or JAVA/Core JAVA programming languages.
Java, Java Script, Eclipse, Web based frameworks like JQuery or Dojo
Good programming skills (preferably in Java).
Knowledge of any database and javascript will a plus.
Good communication skills – Passionate to learn new technologies.
C/C++, Knowledge EDA tools like Cadence and an interest in work in the domain.
Bachelor’s Degree
Basic knowledge in Document analysis and ingestion preprocessing tool based on the level derived knowledge
Basic knowledge in Domain Knowledge/Basic Programming Skill
English: Fluent
Master’s Degree in Engineering

Job ID SWG-0663841 Job type Full-time Complementary
Work country India Position type Student/Internship
Work city Bangalore, Pune Posted 29-May-2014
Travel No travel Job area Software Development
Business group IBM Software Group Job category Software Development & Support
Business unit Info Mgmt Job role Software Developer
Job role skillset General
Commissionable/Sales-Incentive jobs only No

Check this Link for More Info.