ICET 2011 COUNSELLING Dates For Admissions in MBA and MCA

ICET COUNSELLING Dates of 2011 in Andhrapradesh for admission into MBA and MCA

ICET 2011 counselling likely starts from 20TH OF AUGUST, dates are confirmed.Actually Eamcet Medicine counselling started (19 th of july). So once counselling schedule along with dates will release,we will put detailed information of icet 2011 counselling.The verification of certificates will start on your counselling date,its a 10 minutes process,so no need to very about it.The registration fee you need to pay in counselling itself.You can check out the complete process of counselling in this blog.Try to select best colleges for your bright future career.

Its time to have the details of icet 2011 counselling,after annoucing the so many dates and lot of post pones,at last chairman of higher education mr.jaya prakash annoused the dates of icet counselling 2011.The icet 2011 counselling will be start from 20th of august,on 21st and 22 nd,you need to verify your certificates in given centers.From 22nd onwards you have to excercise on web options till 27th of august.If you want to change the options then on 28 th you can modify your options and finally on 29th the final admissions list will be release

Dates to remember:

Certificates verification : 20 & 21 st of august

Web options : 21 st to 27 th of august

web options modification : 28 th of august

Admission finalise : 29 th of august