TechMahindra Hiring Freshers All Over India for 2016 Passouts

This Off-campus drive is for those engg graduates and MCA candidates who had completed their course in the year 2016. This is not open to candidates who have passed these courses either prior to or after 2016.
Candidate having scored minimum of 59.50% in SSC/Xth, Non-Engineering Degree, Engineering Degree and where applicable, MCA with minimum of 69.50% in HSC/XIIth or equivalent course are eligible for this drive.
In case candidate has done Diploma, then minimum of 69.50% in Diploma is mandatory. Where the candidate has done both HSC or equivalent and Diploma, then also minimum of 69.50% in both is mandatory for meeting eligibility criteria.
Be careful while filling details related to personal particulars, contact details, academic credentials and other critical information. Once submitted, these can’t be amended or corrected. You may end up losing an opportunity to work with Tech Mahindra Ltd.
System recognizes percentage grade only. In case your academic grading/rating is CGPA based, convert them into equivalent percentage (%) grade as per your University Guidelines and enter. Entering CGPA rating will result in you being found not eligible for this drive. Enter the percentage upto two decimals
Detail you provide for this registration is in essence is an application form for the job. As such, incorrect details, whether deliberately or inadvertently provided by you will be held against you and may result in withdrawal of Offer Letter (in case issued based on such incorrect information) or termination of employment at a later stage.
To Apply Visit this URL.